Thursday, November 24, 2011

Girl Scouts 100 Birthday

Girl Scouts will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2012. Mark your calendars for a sing along on the National Mall on June 9, 2012. 200,000 Girls Scouts, friends and family will travel to Washington, DC from around the world. I think our troop may have the shortest trip to make in order to participate in the event!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Campfire at Greenbelt Park

A few weeks ago troop members and their families gathered at Greenbelt Park for a campfire complete with roasted hot dogs, marshmallows and songs.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Makemie Woods

Cicadas were out in full force. The girls weren't squeamish at all about them -- just the opposite. This was taken out on on our nature hike.

After the nature hike, we went swimming, had lunch, went canoeing, more swimming and then had dinner. After dinner the Girl Scouts built a campfire where we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. The Brownies performed a skit they had prepared, and the Daisies sang "I'm a Little Daisy Dressed in Blue" as well as a few other songs learned during the day.

And finally, here are the lyrics to a couple of the songs we sang...

Chicago Fire Song
10 nights ago, when we were all in bed
Old Lady 'Leary lit a lantern in the shed
and when the cow kicked it over,
She winked her eye and said
There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight!

(Divide into four groups so that each group shouts the following in turn.)
Fire Fire Fire Fire!
Pour on water! Pour on water!
Save my children! Save my children!
Jump, lady, jump! Jump, lady, jump!

Sing the song 10 (or start with a lower number!) times, singing it faster each time.

Just a Boy and a Girl in a Little Canoe

Just a boy and a girl in a little canoe with the moon shining all around.
He paddled his paddle couldn't even hear a sound.
So they talked and they talked 'til the moon grew dim.
He said you better kiss me or get out and swim!

So what you gonna do in a little canoe
With the moon shining all a...
The girl paddling all a...
The boy swimming all around!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Spinning Honey

This past Saturday, some Daisies were able to join our family in spinning honey from a beehive that we keep on a second floor porch. Ordinarily we wouldn't spin our honey so early in spring, but we were joined by a film crew making a documentary on urban beekeeping and they wanted some interesting footage.

Everyone got a turn scraping off the wax caps of the honeycomb to reveal the honey.

The big yellow cylinder is the honey extractor. The newly uncapped frames are placed inside and then someone strong turns the crank which rotates them at high speed. The honey flies out and falls to the bottom of the extractor. Open the spigot, honey pours out.

Tasted delicious!

It Rained

I had high hopes for today's meeting at the community garden, but what can I rained. We did manage to read the third chapter of the Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden Journey story and we talked a bit about how Mari the marigold shows that she is responsible by repelling bad insects from a garden just like we are responsible to take care of the plants we are growing. This earns the girls their Watering Can Award, but we didn't get to give it out because of the rain. The downpour also washed out a treasure hunt around the park. So we mostly huddled in the storage shed. Oh well.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Harbor Patrol Outing

After today's trip to meet the Metropolitan Police Department's Harbor Patrol, all other Daisy meetings will pale in comparison.

The girls started out by learning from a Harbor Patrol officer that when they they are near the water -- boating, fishing or paddling -- they must always wear a life preserver. They colored iron on patches with the slogan "Life Jackets: They Float, You Don't" which were then ironed on to t-shirts.

After everyone made t-shirts, we all donned life preservers and headed out to three police boats. I think the officers liked showing us just how fast they could go and how tight a donut they could turn! And the girls laughed hysterically the whole time. As one girl shouted "This is the funnest day of my entire life!"

As my husband remarked, it's a wonder their hair didn't get knotted together!

Thanks, Kevin (Cassie's dad), for organizing!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Garden Grows

Several Daisies met yesterday afternoon for some weeding and planting. Cucumber plants from the seeds that were sown in early April went into the ground.

Lettuce, green onions and chives were harvested for dinner.

From now on, the weeks that we don't have regularly scheduled meetings, I'll plan on heading over to the garden after school. If girls are interested in joining me, that would be terrific.

Gift of Caring Cookies to the Marines

Before Girl Scout cookie sales started, the troop discussed what organization they wanted to donate cookies to. Lots of worthy community groups were discussed, but the girls voted for the Marines.

A group of Daisies (and their brothers) took advantage of a beautiful spring day to walk boxes of cookies over to the Marine Barracks at 8th and I. The guys at the gate were very happy and appreciative for the delivery.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gorgeous day yesterday so we held our meeting outside. We talked about what it means to "be responsible for what I say and do," and how gardens need someone to be responsible for weeding and watering them. The seeds the girls planted two weeks ago have been up on my green house of a porch and have done great. The snap peas are ready to be planted and the arugula will probably be ready in a few days. The cucumber seeds and beans have sprouted and look great.

We read the second chapter of the It's Your Planet Journey story. In this chapter the girls meet a friendly honey bee who shows them where to dig for buried treasure in the garden. The girls find an old tin box with a little key and a letter from Juliette Gordon Low telling them that the garden will always open for them if they keep the key safe.

After a few games involving garden creatures and pretending to be seeds, I tried to get a group photo. I think it's nearly impossible to get a picture of all the girls together.

As the girls were picked up, we passed out permission slips for a field trip during the first week of May. You can turn those into either me or Lisa.

We also distributed information about Makemie Woods. Lisa and Heather finished the Girl Scout camping course last weekend which included an cold overnight camping trip at the Brighton Woods Girl Scout camp. I know they are excited about getting the girls outside!

Finally, our Girl Scout Cookie Sale is officially over. Thank you so much, Amy, for managing this huge job! I think it was a great success.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Seeds Sprouted

The seeds the girls planted last week are up on our porch. The arugula has sprouted as have some of the sugar snap peas.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Seed Planting and Sit Upons

Today we started the "It's Your Planet" journey which focuses on gardening. The girls colored one of three characters from the story -- that's the page they brought home -- and then Lisa read the first chapter of the story which is about the three girls walking home from school, seeing an overgrown community garden with a daisy growing in it, and then falling asleep in the sun.

The girls all picked out and started seeds that will hopefully sprout into plants that we'll plant in our community garden plot.

And, they worked on making Sit Upons. Sit Upons are a classic Girl Scout craft -- everybody makes some version of them. They're used on camping trips and hikes (and we thought they'd be useful in the garden) to sit on and keep bottoms dry on damp ground. The girls really concentrated on their sewing and were making great progress, but we didn't quite get them done so we sent them home for finishing. Feel free to stuff a couple plastic bags in them for extra padding if you'd like.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Community Garden Clean Up

Our troop has a 3.5 by 20 foot plot in a local community garden this summer. We're going to start the It's Your Planet -- Love It journey in the next few weeks to go along with taking care of the plot.

Today we had three girls yank weeds and dig up old, dead plants. They were model Girl Scouts -- not only were they strong workers, but they were courageous in the face of fat worms and creepy, crawly bugs.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Louder the Instrument, the Better

Percussion instruments seem to be a favorite. Here is our very own Daisy marching band. Sorry the pictures are a bit blurry -- there were really moving.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Meeting this Week

Same time, same place as always. The theme is Music and we'll be talking about different kinds of instruments, including our own voices. If your daughter plays an instrument and would like to share her talents with the troop, please bring it in.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

Girl Scout Thinking Day

We recently celebrated Girl Scout Thinking Day with other troops from Capitol Hill. Here are some of the girls in front of our display on Italy.

Troops were to make a short presentation on their chosen country. The troops went by alphabetical order by country -- who knew that Italy would be second to last! The girls were terrific audience members, and they did a great job sharing what they learned about Italy.